Austin Mask and Cassidy Greene, PSC Alumni, had the opportunity to attend the National Homelessness Conference in San Diego this past year. The National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY) Conference prioritizes education and advocacy in the fight against homelessness in youth. Through their technical assistance and implementation strategies, other individuals are able to join the fight and discover numerous resources.
When asked about the importance of attending this conference, both Austin and Cassidy described their desire to better understand different strategies and ways to support children while in the position of a school counselor. Further, they both expressed how wonderful Cheryll Fuller, the keynote speaker, was. “Her first-hand account of moving from a student experiencing abuse and homelessness to an advocate in the helping profession was inspiring,” said Cassidy. Austin emphasized how well all the speakers were at “…putting you in their position as a homeless student, educator, or community member.” Austin and Cassidy each expressed their gratitude for this event as it “… reinforced the importance of my job and further motivated me to foster that mindset with my students,” recalled Cassidy.
For future school counselors and others, each of our Alumni advised that the National Association for Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY) Conference is a must-attend event. Prior to attending, Austin recommends “…to do your homework on the topics before you go to the conference,” to ensure you are informed on all the interesting topics.